Course curriculum
Welcome! & How to Use this Space!
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Magick Women Make their own Destiny
Transmute excuses into POWER
Becoming Unconditionally Grateful
The frequency of CELEBRATION 🥳
Being SEEN & Commanding Attention
Enjoy the Journey & Manifest with More Ease
Allow fear to be an opportunity✨💸⚡️
Hack the Hologram Masterclass: Manifest What You Want WHEN You Want It
Abundance Magick Masterclass {REPLAY}
Magick Woman Masterclass REPLAY
Overflow Masterclass {REPLAY}
Coffee Codes{Masterclass} A Way of Being
Wild Worth Masterclass {Replay}
CELESTIAL EXPERIENCE (for the valuable woman bringing the treasures & Opulence of Divinity into every facet of her earthly life)
Quantum Cowgirl: How to Quantum Leap On Repeat
Dance Fitness Class #1
Dance Fitness Class #2 {GET IN YOUR BODY}
Dance Fitness #3 {Connect to yourself}
Embodying Freedom {Dance Fitness Class}
country shakti class! ;) MW Christmas party
I am THE Magick Woman
I easily make magick & money
Source is my Source
Q3 August 6th at 3pm MST
January Q & A : Identity Shifts, Participating in the Journey, Money & Dream Jobs
February Q&A : Money Blocks, Taking Action, What do you REALLY WANT????
March Q&A {REPLAY} when to share with family, showing up when it is hard, manipulating with energy
Membership Q&A: Doing Business Like a Magick Woman
How to Break Out of Overwhelm/Burnout, Resting VS Being Lazy + Budgeting Like a Magick Woman
Living, Breathing Magick Challenge: Day 1!!!
Day 2 ~ Living Breathing Magick Challenge
Day 3 Living Breathing Magick {moments}
Day 4 : magick woman embodied
Living Breathing Magick Day 5
Day 6: I’m the kind of woman that…
Day 7: Act as If
Day 8 Living Breathing Magick {10x}
Living Breathing MAGICK: Day 9
Day 10 Living Breathign Magick: slow down 🩷
Day 11: clear energy to magnetize
LBMC DAY 12: write your story
LBMC DAY 13: let your heart lead
Day 14 LBMC: pleasure
Day 15 LBMC: Truth Telling
LBMC: Day 16 approve of yourself
LBMC Day 17: walk like…
LBMC Day 18: look through her eyes
Day 19: look through her eyes pt. 2
LBMC DAY 20: lean into fear to show yourself what you’re capable of
LBMC DAY 21: want vs need (become the Magick Woman)
Day 22: apply the POC to call your power back.
Day 23: take “future self” action
Day 24: your embodiment is the spell
Your Rich Witch IDENTITY
Middle Class vs Rich Witch Mentality
Long Term Vision
Do you have the audacity?!
Date Your Money
Source from Source
The money game & your TRUE PURPOSE
DEBT, physics, & priorities
Action is QUEEN
Non-action when you're "needy"
Experimental mindset & don't take it so serious
Look at all the possibilities
Problem vs Solution frequency
Universal Bank and CREATING VALUE
The Law of Correspondence
Fighting what you don't want vs. embodying what you do want
The Feeling Game
Lessons from the icy roads...
When to "give up"
Set yourself up to experience an incredible life...
Abundance as abundance- not lack
Choose what lens to experience EVERYTHING from
Do less, be more
Who do you be when it's hard?
Who do you be when it's hard?
Going all in
Get good at making money first.. THEN..
Force to Majesty
Gene Key Wizard
Queenship: self love is selfless
Manifestation is a synonym for Embodiment...
It's a FUCKING MIRACLE: you are royalty
Safety is an illusion
Become shameless... OWN WHO TF YOU ARE
Majesty code of being RELAXED
Time freedom; easy is right
I am. I think. I feel. I do. I have.
Receive what's already HERE
Problem vs Opportunity
Alchemize emotions, stay magnetic
Repulse to attract
Pussy gazing for magnetism
Long term vision & goals
What if it's not working?!
Who do you take action as?
Can you hold both and stay mood independent?!
Can you love the parts of you that are what you fear?
Being repulsed is still being magnetizing
Surrender is NOT passive...
Knowing vs. Proving your value
You are a celestial body... find the freedom
Journey through the micro & macro of cosmic existence
Money is GOD
EXPECT to be treasured
What do you expect from life?
I am not at all who I think I am...
What's your relationship with being RICH?
One bite of pie at a time...
The quality of KNOWING
The real reason most people don't have an extra $40k to invest...
Divinity loves the drama
True freedom is EMOTIONAL FREEDOM first
Your celestial woman fly wheel
Let yourself learn & play the game YOUR WAY
People pleasing is about YOU!
Reality is (only) what you think it is!
Let life move through you...
Action is queen
Alchemizing in real time
What you haven't seen behind my success
What's the moose of your life right now???
Trust it's happening for you & lean all the way in!
It's harder to play it safe than to take bold brave action...
The Magick Woman's drama triangle
The power of giving from a generous heart...
Through put
Life is SENSATIONAL and so are YOU!
Maturing, but never avoiding
Conjuring celebration
Up levels via the pleasure path
Become a pro, pro means to move forward
The reality of polarity....
Conjuring emotion & creating reality from the inside out
Receive that which is BETTER than you asked for
Admit you want to be seen.. then watch what happens
Light vs shadow of being seen
Homework for the rest of the month
Step one is ALWAYS feel fully, then alchemize, then choose
Philosophy of a delicate life
Wild desire August, channel your inner femme fatale
Money gets to be FUN!!
Eradicate shame, own your desires, & be CURIOUS
How are you ALREADY being met in your desires?
Stop rushing, slow down. Feel. Enjoy.
Desire lead life >>>>
I am high on life, but let's celebrate together!
The woman who's made $80 million.. she day dreams more
The Magick Woman perspective of presence vs daydreaming
Meeting life with a truly open heart
Desire is proof of illusion...
Safety is sexy! A femme fatales outlook on money
Playing with desire in the present moment
Desire is created & maintained through spaciousness
Prey energy vs expecting Queen treatment
Wisdom to question, courage to choose
No one will make you wrong for playing small... pt 1
No one will make you wrong for playing small... pt 2
Don't worry about HOW, focus on WHO
Open & soften to receive (body scan practice)
Contracting is normal- love yourself through it
When your dreams come true...
Recap!!! My number one take away...
$exy $eptember- RECEIVING LIFE
How alchemy gets to happen..
Through put is $exyyyyyyy
Let's burst through the $exy taboo
Alchemize my deep dark shadows with me
It IS happening for you
When you know it's happening pt 1
When you know it's happening pt 2
We're living in a material world, and I'm a material girl
Permission to have SUPREME love for yourself
What happens when you let life manifest with you
The triple chocolate croissant effect
Prioritizing your ENERGY over $$$
You don't have to make yourself wrong, guilty, & shameful.. it truly ALL belongs
Time is the only variable (microdose)
Welcome to Unashamed October
Letting go of shame through Vulnerability
What you've done vs Where you're going
What causes shame? How to unpack it with MONEY
Radical Acceptance
Alchemizing shame around your inner evil queen...
Shame is a generational pattern... let's rewrite it
Desire to evolve X Reality of where you are... relating to this drama
Radical Self Acceptance & PERMISSION from your self
It's Your Hologram Baby, & YOU are the Main Character
More effective than fighting reality...
Look for the Glitches
Create the content of your life
Create the content of your life pt 2
Even PEOPLE are just characters in your hologram...
The holographic lens sets you FREE
Taking your power back from MONEY
YOU are paying YOU
A good plot always thickens...
It's about to get sexy AF!
Journaling Prompts- Who do you hide yourself from?
The desire to give the AWE FACTOR... showing up even though you're not
Crazy, sexy, weird, AWKO TACO
Out yourself... I'll go first
Let 'em look; even in the pause
Let 'em see your heart... even when you're overwhelmed
You're allowed to feel it all... they WANT to see it
Let 'em watch as you calibrate to being CHILL AF
Authenticity & Self Expression (Rockstar Codes)
Feeling discomfort on PURPOSE
Living is the answer
Let 'Em See... the part of you even YOU judge pt 1
Let 'Em See... the part of you even YOU judge pt 2
FEEL desire.. let it turn you on
Imagination & Fantasy are GOOD FOR WOMEN
Emotions are sojourners, nothing more
Let 'Em See.. what you WANT them to see
Can you know you're going to fail & STILL get on stage?
Let 'Em See... you in your mess
Expect people to see the BEST & WORST within you
It's happening for divinity to expand & for YOU to call your power back
Permission to take up SPACE
Trust people to have the emotional experience they are meant to have about YOU
BE the miracle
Let 'Em Watch... bottomless well of existential grief
Let people see you when.. you're "just" taken care of
Unconditional Woman X Inevitable Woman (Self Love Codes)
Let your EMBODIMENT talk for you
Taking it slow to speed up.. quantum leaping time
Become the force that compounds your success
Quantum leaping and letting go
Playing with quantum realms, focus on living a GOOD GOOD life
About this course
- $88.00 / month
- 250 lessons
- 27 hours of video content