Master the art of INDULGING in Your Life for Purposeful Lore Creation & Making Content that Turns into Ca$h
and I am your Magickal drill Sargent with a knack for spinning your unfolding life's story into GOLDEN lore that you will be so delighted to share with the world...
This goes beyond writing good content, telling a great story or creating copy that turns into sales (although we will touch on all of this!)
Indulge is a portal, a way of being, a perspective & an identity.
When you show up in your life as an INDULGENT woman, with a shameless energy + a thirst for living your beautiful life...
You are granted the Midas Touch..
AKA everything you touch turns to gold.
You are unconditionally successful, inspired, magickal, powerful & capable.
YOU are the solution, the antidote, the GEM, the magnet riches are drawn to.
It's one thing to have main character energy, and it's a whole nother thing to be a shame free woman indulging in life... not just for the art but for the PROFIT.
WOW. I know that is a very bold thing to say.
It is about the money, money is important.
Money is a big deal, money DOES matter.
AND it's not about the money AT ALL.
It's about becoming the most expressed, powerful, authentic & unapologetic version of yourself.
And that is what we are diving into in INDULGE.
The Indulgent Intensive Training includes 5 pre-recorded sessions to make you an expert lore creator + money maker.
This is for you If:
💜You are ready to learn how to create CASH results in your business no matter what you are navigating (I am in the midst of deep heart break right now, moving to a different state AND made a $26K sale on a random day off.. you can too!)
💜You desire the Midas Touch... you're ready to turn even the worst things that have happened in your life into VALUE
💜You want to make content that impacts your dream clients & turns them into PAYING CUSTOMERS ON REPEAT
💜You are ready to turn up the HEAT in your business, bring in more money than ever before WHILE enjoying your life to the max. It isn't about work life balance, but rather, loving your life & being SUPER magnetic in your work.
💜It is TIME for you to go full freak, to be unapologetic AF in your expression, your thoughts, your ideas, your way of being... You want to reclaim your Power in the FULLEST sense.
💜Your personal lore is ready to be shared. You want to shine your light, be seen in your magick & unabashedly sale your services!
💜You are SO DONE looking at what everyone else is doing. You want to be ALL IN for your OWN LIFE and what YOU are creating. We are going to blast open your creative channel so you easily turn your life into the MAGICK.
The women enrolled in the Magick Woman Mastermind (my intimate inner circle for women going to the stars in their life and business, who understand they are capable of everything & are ready to watch their money, love & FREEDOM dreams come true (aka they are a match for BIG MONEY & BIG MAGICK) , CLICK HERE to read more + apply to be inside) get this training for FREE. You can join us for a year of life changing, embodied, MAGICK... or...
3 payments of $222
Slide through to read them all:
“I entered into the membership through the Magick woman membership that is $88 a month. I was blown away after only one month and knew I had to take the leap into the Mastermind. I’ve never invested so heavily into myself like this before and it’s been worth every penny. The transformations have been dramatic. I feel I’m becoming the woman I always wanted to be but needed some coaching, encouragement, and guidance. Our business has really turned around in a dramatic way, in revenue, but also adding 2 additional contracts and breaking through barriers that were there before. The foundation of the business is being rebuilt to be stronger. I no longer fear spending money after Rich Witch. I’ve tapped into my abundance and my self confidence has grown immensely. I have better boundaries and am able to hold myself better through hard times. When you join the Mastermind you get an insane amount of content that comes with it. All of it has changed my life forever. The calls with Autumn are invaluable. The way she sees you and holds you to the standard of Divinity has been more healing than years of therapy. Also, by holding you to the standard of Divinity there’s no more hiding and you have to step into your Power because you see so clearly who you are. Autumn has helped me have the courage to start my astrology business and I got 2 clients right off the bat from the membership. I’ve also been asked to be a guest astrology speaker in a very special container. I never ever thought this was possible. For years people knew I studied astrology but when I stepped up and made it my business people are taking note and now hiring me and asking me to become the person I always knew was in there. Autumn is amazing. She’s always there for us. She ALWAYS shows up and ALWAYS delivers on her promises. I have so much love and respect for this EMBODIED MAGICK woman. She’s the real deal and is who she says she is. 🌹😊❤️”
“Im just gonna share one more win because I am overflowing!! My bank account has the most money that it has had in three years in it!! I have been practicing the money healing meditation & the unlimited possibilities one too! & seeing certain numbers in my bank account in my vision, & now I am seeing them in real life”
“Wins I am celebrating myself for since joining this container: I sold out my first in person workshop last week my second one coming on Sunday has many tickets being sold, I'm about to close on high ticket coaching client I have another call with a potential private coaching client next week, I'm in a great inspired creative flow with my upcoming workshops, and feeling more and more in the fun and flow and play of things. Appreciating it all and the blessing of this fab blessed life I get to live, which includes being in Autumn's container!”
““My heart feels like a warm chocolate brownie that's gooey in the middle after last nights call! Been swimming in awe over what all I have created for myself since being in this container! So stoked to be in the next round and to see what is in store for me.” "So far since moving to Tennessee I have manifested a car, a sweet pottery job, and the space I needed to create content for my business! Really seeing the results of owning my power and stepping deeper into my medicine! So much abundance has come through and I'm so excited to see what else is in store for me as I continue to soften into what life is offering me!” ”
“ Autumn. This shit works.... I had another sign up.... I am feeling the Magick."”
“I was going to send a picture of my wallet in the group message because it’s just exploding with cash... I have made way more money this year ..(since signing up to do this work with Autumn) than I ever have in my life.”